9 Ways to Optimize your Social Media Bio for Maximum Followers

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A social media bio is a short public summary, an introduction to what a person, brand or business is about on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Linkedin.

When asked to introduce or talk about yourself, I’m sure you would want to tell us about all the things that make you awesome, unique, exceptional, special and different from everyone on the planet right? I’m sure your answer will be yes. When it comes to writing an awesome social media bio for a person, brand or business, it is a different ball game all together. The task of creating and writing a social media bio that really tell us all we need to know about you or your brand can be really tasking especially because of the character limit of social media platform across the various social media platforms.

Here are 9 guides that would effectively represent you, your brand or business and optimize your social media bio for maximum followers

On social media brevity is key. With the character limit for bio, you want to be as concise and straight forward as possible. Your bio is simply an introduction, a brief summary of what your page, account or business is about. Think of your social media as a headline.

The character limits for social media is really a blessing in disguise as it conditions you to be creative in presenting yourself to the online world. It’s ok to get inspiration from others bio but do not try to copy someone else. Be authentic and original in introducing yourself.

First impression they say matter a lot. Use words and harshtags that are peculiar to your niche and target audience so as to connect with people having the same interest with you. Be intentional in your choice of words.

Yes you read that correctly, go on brag a little, be flattering in writing your social media bio, set yourself apart from the online crowd. Tell others what you have done, highlight your latest project, and show your contribution to society.

Many search engines use social media bios in their algorithms so including powerful keywords when writing your social media bio is a must. Think carefully about your values and your audience values as keywords help them find you faster.

While keywords in your social media bio can help people find you, meaningless buzzwords tends to bore. Ensure you avoid them such as “Engineering guru”, “Graphics ninja” and so on. Be creative in your use of words

The character limit for bio across social media platforms differs. Study each platform and know your limits.
Facebook short description: 155 – character maximum
Instagram bio: 150 – character maximum
LinkedIn Summary: 2000 – character maximum

Social media platforms are targeted at a particular set of audience like LinkdIn is for professionals so do your research and tailor your bio to enable you make the best use of the platform.

Social media is a platform for so put your head back, relax and have fun. Do not be scared to make a fun creative social media bio on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram handle. Include your hobbies, favorite food or book and make your bio more memorable.

Your social media bio is not only a description about you, it is also a way for people to find out more about you. You could direct visitors and friends off the app to your website, portfolio, blog or another landing page by including a call to action. Note, instead of just putting the URL to your home page, use a link that would direct them to your latest project, an article you wrote etc.

Follow these guide create bio that will make people eager to want to follow you. Remember first impressions matter a lot.

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